Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Outline Blog 18

      In the passage " the $2 camisole: How cheap is ruining our lives" by the author Mary Elizabeth Williams she states how things that are worth of something should be valued more. Desperate marketing and because of the bad economy resulted low prices every year. Also even if these are low prices there is a big cost because for a person having to buy a glasses that were only 2 weeks used still broke. Even the kitchen cabinets which were brand new had to be replaced. The iphone can't even last in crack-free marks even though 2 years went by but it was usable.

    I do agree that things should be cheap anyways.
Reason 1 If I buy something expensive it still wont work.
 I keep on buying earphones every year and it takes only 8 months or so for it to stop transmitting sound.

Reason 2. Discounts are good so I don't have to buy from the original price.
 I bought this xbox chair for my brother to sit on while he plays his xbox games. It had a bass speaker on the sides that we can use with a connector to connect to the xbox and to the TV so it can give out a high pitch sound like being at a movie theater. Great isn't it and the chair looked cool also. But, after one month it stopped transmitting sound and even the handles that came with the chair lost its nails and the handle broke. I replaced it again and again it went down. I bought this on the holiday season for $70 luckily at Target because the original price was $120! Worthless item for kids.

Overall this women should not be concerned about this problem and is overreacting because I do agree with her on some items having value because you can still get a TV for $300 at least that can last for 5-10 years. Not bad. A wide-screen TV which is around $2,000 and can last 10 years. On the 5th year somehow cracked. Not bad. I can go on.. She should be concerned about the Metrocard hikes or many other problems in this country. Hopefully she doesn't want any value on those!


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