Thursday, October 21, 2010

CLASS BLOG: Now in our modern days almost everything is artifi...

CLASS BLOG: Now in our modern days almost everything is artifi...: "Now in our modern days almost everything is artificials from foods to places such as beaches. One of the artificial beach that was created w..."I like this because at least this is something cool about artificial life. For example look at Times Square today and decades back. Unbelievable!

Goal: Artifacts # 2

Goal: Artifacts # 2: " The reason why I choose Madonna's song The Material ..." I like this because I feel the same. There is no feeling to the heart with the music today except to force yourself in the bandwagon. The only thing I see good today in music is the dancing(not sexual), nothing else.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog 8 The Net Is The Real World

      According to the authors Jake Simms and Larry Magrid an incident not just with humans but with technology has lead to a crime from the criminals and a suicide from the victim. It happened at Rutgers University with young adult students. Their names are Dharun Ravi, Molly Wei, the criminals, and Tyler Clementi, the student who commited suicide. These inhuman students especially Ravi turned on the webcam where Clementi also were roommates. After that he went to Molly's room with the intention to invade Clementi's privacy by using the webcam he was in with Molly.
       What happens next would be cyberbullying and invasion of privacy where Ravi streams Clementi kissing another guy to the world on Twitter. As a result according to the passage Clementi commits one of the rarest desperate acts which is to take his own life by jumping off the Washington Bridge. As a result Ravi and the conspirator Molly will pay the consequences thanks to New Jersey's privacy law which makes this selfish crime illegal. Hopefully, also they will get booted from Rutgers University.
        Due to this unfortunately as stated in the passage like it or not, the net now is reality for the overwhelming majority of children and adults in the developed world and the rest of it. This is significantly changing attitudes or moods like what happened to Clementi and some others. This is the most dangerous of them all because we are hearing different kinds of stories in the news all yeasr and it can wreck your life for a long time. This is why parents should stop the excuses of them being at work all day and not buy them webcams and moniter who they talk to.
       As for the situation within these students Clementi should have been stronger. This might be just the beginning of all of this. It almost reminded  me of the movie from the 70s where only machines moniter humans. People are just becoming obsessed with this by letting kids do this and it has resulted in many suicides by teens.

Fourth Lab: A Coppertop's Life Artifacts Part 2

Redoing a Coppertop's Life Artifacts, Typing in CATWS/Blog 8 Part 1

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MSG stands for Monosodium glutamate which a flavor enhancer usually added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. Especially Mcdonalds, Burber King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, you name it. Many people have reported to the food companies that they have received many complaints about feeling headaches, weakness, nausea, chest pain, sweating, etc. Although now some foods are labeled to notify us which food has MSG it is definetely noticeble that it's in defense to the drug companies and they will stop at nothing to continue their profit out of this. I chose this because I live by some of the foods mentioned. You see it everywhere especially Mcdonalds at every. Even in your long road trip you see Mcdonalds ads every 10 minutes or so. There can't be nothing that doesn't have MSG. After one order of Big Mac with frecch fries I can still be hungry and order more. Especially when I was a kid you think you would be eating something regular. But it's not what we think. If there wasn't a drug then why would these hamburgers take so long to get spoiled. But still we do eat it because in the real world ignorance is bliss. All this has done to me is given me pleasure when I ignorantly eat Chinese food all day without knowing that it can either get me more fatter or give me pleasure. I do get chest pains for some reason and sometimes I get headaches and don't understand it. This is why it's too hard to prove weather or not MSG causes these because they are mild. Commonly what these foods do is they send you to the doctors so they can profit also and then the doctor reveals to you the truth, which is not to eat fast foods because it gives you cholesterol and all you can do is eat the less pleasurable foods like veggies, fruits and lots of exercise. It's hard to know this truth because you thought that once when eating fast food it was something normal but in reality it's not. Just not everyday. One thing is for sure, people keep on going and going to fast food stores because of MSG and some don't know it or don't care and the food and drug companies profit from us like if we were batteries.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fourth Lab: A Coppertop's Life Artifacts

Hello Dr.X I was trying to put in the pictures for each of my 250 word blog entries but I dont get why it wont paste. I will ask u this on Monday on class to see how I can do this so I don't get an incomplete blog. Or if u can type me the steps to do it before class on Monday would be fine also.

Everything that is part of the matrix is hidden right now behind your cellphones(soon), credit cards, scanners, TV, passports, or look around you right now maybe there is something that is hidden. What is being placed under these devices is called RFID which stands for Radio Frequency Identification which is used for tracking using radio waves. It can be done from a distance from far away. Employers use them at such places like Costco with a scanner that has RFID implanted on them. Also when you go to the library and stand in line to have your books rented they use scanner and in just a few seconds all the information of when you rented and the name of the book is with your own information. Great isn't it and less time consuming! So I chose this because it almost reflects the movie Matrix and many others. Since it seems that almost like the matrix the thing behind all of it is that we have always been so used to what we watch on TV. Significantly because of the so called “terrorist” attack after 9/11 people have now easily given up their liberty to wear an RFID chip especially the first American family to use this which was on the news. Next your own dog. Then in the USA military. In the news they seem to make all of the excuses up to deceive you and some are people would already being programmed to want to take it without realizing the consequences. It’s all propaganda! Don't buy into it. It's an agenda. Just like they did with Iraq! You have to convince a child that the boogeyman will get you if they don't comply. Why would you a human being want to be tracked or treated like cattle for someone’s own greed? Simple as that. I think the technology is great but we don’t have to go to extremes to use it on humans. It's humans who do the damage more than technology. Like Franklin Roosevelt said "only thing we have to fear is the itself". It happened to John Lennon when he got wiretapped for speaking the truth. And just like the song “Year 2525” by Zager and Evan,"Your arms hanging limp at your sides. Your legs got nothing to do. Some machine’s doing that for you." Even if it wasn't to happen realize that the more we click on it we still benefit the ad companies with all the clicks. Just ask Paris Hilton who became number one on google clicks. We can’t escape the Matrix! Buts its possible.

The sidekick is today one of the most common used because it does seem to have a mix of our likes and what us consumers look for in the best. The sidekick is a phone consisting of keyboard like features only more smaller for texting much better with our buddies or relatives. It's also a phone you can use to call. Or take pictures. It even has pictures for you to take. I chose this because this item defines how stuck we can be on a small thing like this more than your own pet or family. It significantly has changed the world in the past few years. While it has been of a good technology for us I think it keeps us distracted because we use this to mostly text. One bad example is when in the news a teen was reported to have sent 3,339 texts. I think parents should let their kids be able to use such technology for important communication only. It's ridiculous how these days you have to see a teen use this object almost all day. Even at school kids are now texting with the sidekick. I see it all the time and the teacher doesn't even notice. I think the parents nowadays gives them this because of the bandwagon. It's nothing but a bandwagon and the parents should stop it. This is why this sidekick and many other technology is being questioned weather or not we are becoming anti-social. Well in my opinion I think it is. Look at how many teen guys or even young adults ridiculously use sidekicks or cellphones to end relationships or say hi to girls and then you wonder why no girl is feeling. Well there is no physical or human contact. People should be aware of this and know better before we turn into a globalized servants to the machines.Because we really do benefit the companies that are creating this. So demand goes up and they create something else and we the leeches there we go again. I'm not saying this is bad. The point is use it when its necessary not to the point where its over the limit because studies do show that we are able to do other productive things and feel much better about it!

As of today as we all know is that Facebook and Myspce are the biggest social internet uses of internet. Literally we can comminicate with anyone around the world. We can post our own pictures. We can promote our songs. Where we will go, where we are located, what you like or don't,etc. This is what most of these sites are about and I think its great. The reason I chose it is because I know this deals with people who just sit there relying on these sites like its their only salvation to boredom. Those are in my opinion stuck to the Matrix. Significantly this is how the new century is being changed and I wonder if this just the beginning and nothing but a test from the elite to see how these leeches feed off the machines and we are seeing just that especially with most teens or young adults who do nothing productive and rely on this myspace and facebook to see the number of friends they have like it's a big deal. So if this Matrix movie were to be true then we are not living in a world where we are sitting there along just freely posting our information. Eventually somebody is watching and uses your information for ads. There is a reason why Facebook or Myspace might be free also. For example just last month a teacher got busted for being a former stripper on her facebook profile. My question why does the school have to care and make a big deal of this. Isn't it supposed to be "private". Just how much illusion are we supposed to succumb to. We can use this technology but be more alert to the matrix and if it's created to satisfy just us the consumer but it doesn't seem like that. But I may be overreacting right then ok maybe I am so let our children or us young adults sit there most of the day browsing fake robot semi-naked women, that its cool for women to post semi-naked pictures or that its cool to so have a million friends. Later on don't be complaining why facebook or myspace has become a haven for ads, crashes, fakes, spams,etc. It's because we let it and parents should be the number one influence and role models, not TV or trash celebrities.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog 7- I Am Not A Cyborg

       A cyborg is simply a human being only in physical traits except for the inside of his body excluding organs, heart, blood, brain and everything else. Inside he might be implanted with some kind of code to make him move or do something you want. So inside the human skin he basically has a robot mechanical appearance.
      Although it might sound so far fetched and something you see on the movies but believe it or not humans will have robot like characteristics like the Terminator. It's an invention that no one thought will happen just like any other technology. My definition for being what a cyborg is comes from what I personally think and read. So my evidence for what I think is a cyborg although I never seen a real one comes from what I saw in the movies and based on this I think cyborgs were created to do things real human beings can't do or endure. It could be anything from extreme stressful tasks or war tasks. Let's say for example say you cannot go down a little hole to pick up something you found or depending on your goal u can easily use a cyborg. They do this with small rat cyborgs where they know what their mission and he even has a camera to record under the dark hole with light.

      So according to this I'm not a cyborg because I only use machines for help and would love to use a cyborg to serve me the food when I don't have time. I'm not a cyborg also because I can feel, get tired, think everyday about the road ahead and get stressed. I even have to sweat just to get to class and you know you see me everyday and my classmates too. I think if I were to decide to be a cyborg then guess what I would not eliminate. As of now the only thing I can think of is eating food! Food is pleasure and many other things. I think whoever created this earth made sure it was balanced and I think its the right way. Other reasons for me not being a cyborg is because it is said that machines can beat us at games and are even more faster, smarter than us than humans. I'm not a cyborg not that I'm not smart but I have to rely on the internet, cellphone, ipod, bank machines to get my benefits or information fast and easily.

    If you realize we the humans use these machines and now will be ordering them in the near future. So, no way I will not be a cyborg to the point where I have to get used or ordered by another human being plus most human beings are selfish and not considerate. If we are to create the kind of cyborgs that we see see in the movies then we need to keep ourselves balanced and not go over the limit with this and do just what that man did, work with them as a team! Not like the drones that are being used in harmful ways for war. Again I'm not a cyborg because my legs get tired. I have to think clearly before I act. I wish I was because the benefit of it would be to think fast, not get tired ever, never die, or get diseases,etc. But as a human being or even as a cyborg there are pros and cons because I love that I can be a human being and feel different kinds of pleasure, work and have fun for what you want.
      This is something machines don't have so I wonder if all they do is work hard tasks and never get angry at humans in the future? I would get angry if I was a cyborg at humans and start war because it would be similar to me being a Genie from Aladdin. The Genie has great power but still needs to service the person almost like the cyborgs unless we give them their own jobs but then humans lose jobs don't they? It's a never ending debate. But it's just my opinion or theory because cyborgs can't get angry. They just do what they have to like the cyborg in Terminator 2. It would be great. I can tell him what to do and he will never complain. As a human being I'm fine with today's machines. On the positive side I think it would be great to have them for difficult tasks but we have to look at the cons and not be ignorant because if drones can be ordered to do harmful tasks then expect the same for other machines!

P.S.In my Revise Blog 4 I tried to make the words more lighter but I couldn't find it but you can still highlighted and look what I wrote. Im done with it and this also. Its all dark and I dont know what I did or why its dark. To DrX

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Brainstorming and Technology"

1. Tool- I think tool would mean a helpful connection that can benefit a company or industry. Or also something that can benefit in architecture or construction.2. Technology I think can mean something made out of electronics and something fast that can get us to where we want or what information we want to obtain.3 Cyborg I think would mean what type of robot operates something different depending on what they can do or different codes they are implanted with.

Tool- any instrument of manual operation like a hammer or anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose. Technology-Branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society and the environment drawing upon subjects as industrial arts,, engineering, applied science and pure science. Cyborg-A person whose physiological functioning is aided or dependent upon a mechanical or electronic device.
 Thesaurus     Tool-machine, puppet, gadget Technology-hi-tech, machinery, engineering science Cyborg- bionic person, mechanical person, automation
If we talk about many things depending on the nature of it we can come out with some but generally speaking the words have to do with one another because to build great technology like a cyborg we first need the tools then comes the cyborg and finally the technology. Technology also deals with science or engineering so this is how the robot is built thanks to science and tools we use by hand or mind.

Step 2 Technologies that define my daily life would be anything common that are useful to modern society and nothing that would harm anyone. Lists of them of them would be metrocard, internet, driver's license, credit card, cellphone, microwave,lamp, camcorder. Obviously the most often I use are internet, metrocard(new yorkers have to) cellphone, lamp and the rest are the least I use especially TV(no cable).One time when the my wheel broke in the middle of the express way i definitely used my cellphone and saved money from the tow trucks.Metrocard might be expensive but we still need to use them everyday for work or school.I love the idea of a lamp everyday because I can consume less energy and save.The internet is for my entertainment and information use. Especially when I need to find news that I missed or learn about other countries faster. Especially to the music I can discover that won't be played on the radio or TV these days and much more! I can say that without all of these things especially the internet it has helped me learn some things and save.

Step 3??I'm not sure if we were supposed to do this since we had new lab already.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Revised Blog 4

Summary of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”

In Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave,” Socrates tries to explain how our world can be enlightened or unenlightened to the real things behind the scenes.  He understands as a philosopher how we see what we wanna see and explains it in an image of a cave of and the hidden disturbing things surrounding us.

For instance the author explains how we as a society tend to not want to see the real light in this image. In the passage Socrates exposes us to this and uses an example of a dark cave where prisoners are chained inside with both of their hands without being able to turn their heads anywhere but just to the front of what they see and think they are seeing. So if we were to COMPEL some of the prisoners to see at the light for themselves they would definitely have a lot of pain in there eyes for seeing the truth. This is also what the prisoners will CONCEIVE to believe is the real thing than what he is shown to be the truth since the prisoners were only used to seeing the darkness.
As they are also chained to the walls all they see are shadows from people passing through. Some of them carrying their baskets so the prisoners look at this and think what they see is true. There was one who was passing by and held a duck making the sound of a barking sound so if they were to go outside the cave see that it wasn’t this and plus the light of the sun they would definitely be DAZZLED to what they have seen and probably go back to their accustomed settings. Ignorance is bliss!

In my real life I would probably be like the chained man of "Allegory of the Cave" because I was a person who was not sure weather or not I was living a normal life. I guess like any other good parent(my dad & mom).My parents did buy me toys, VHS cartoons,etc. But of course still I could not understand weather it was me or my parents.

As I'm now trying to walk out into the light I think the best way for me to do that is educate myself more by reading books from the library to better myself as a human being. Or research anything on the internet as possible. I can't go all the way back because if I do then I guess it would be like the Dark Ages where I was the first child to my parents.So being the first child alone wasn't easy. My parents out of necessity had to leave me to go to their job while I just stayed along playing my Super Nintendo. My parents were too young and had to mature themselves to understand why they emigrated to America. In those times being alone I think caused me to think I was living the American illusion but after I woke up getting more older I realized how sad it was to know the truth and the people who controlled us might even be behind it all. I didn't know what to think. All those values that my parents thought me probably were for nothing. I wonder if I actually was a puppet or not. I know everytime I watched TV I wanted to be on it and maybe just for easy money. Then years later a lady seemed to have predicted it the same thing I was thinking and I was shocked almost similar to Truman. I also didn't know who to believe in anymore. It seemed that all we worked for was for nothing. Enemies always seemed to be around that not even the doctors knew what by brothers disease was.
Its just amazing to find out how much evil and unpredictable things there are in this world that we have to watch out for. It can be anything from people and many more.

After I knew all that can surround us I realized I wanted to plan to be my own-self so I don't have to look around in amazement to the shadows that have been created by us. I don't know but someday I plan to have my own business. That's how I see myself and be a good role-model for my family. I realized in this world you take and give for the good meaning I will do something that can benefit someone. If I do help to make people get free I think it would be once I know what I'm doing and market myself well because people seem to never listen by words until they experience reality for themselves like I did. 

But for now I know I'm unchaining myself little by little although its hard to go deep to that light because you never know what's out there because recovering takes a long time but being strong here is the key because I will keep on researching for answers, finding a job where I can find my passion and skills, starting college now, being positive, meditating and yoga,etc and than pass on this message to my family and to the world just like the prophets from before have, for example Socrates. Only time will tell if I go all the way out which is my dream.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blog 6

       The way everything starts in the world is like a process or cycle. Either you did something wrong and you are chosen or it was just bad luck like many say but then again some say there is no such thing as luck. Or like most, you decide to listen to what others tell you or teach you. As for Truman his way was to find freedom, truth and happiness. He did realize everything wasn't as it seemed until later he understood, so he found freedom at last.
        As for Christoff stating this in an interview that "he would have given Truman the chance for him to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. Seahaven is the way the world should be." In my opinion Christoff is incorrect because if you realize Truman already started to become awake of his own surroundings and how mostly he spotted coincidences. Everyone thought he was crazy but he wasn't. Now if Christoff thinks the world we live in is "sick" then why was Truman behaving "sick" or "crazy" in Seahaven. Also would you think he cared. I don't think so since he said that "it would be good for the ratings" when he was controlling him anyways. Also do you realize he said the word "chance" in the interview, meaning that Truman already could have left anytime and maybe because Christoff didn't want to put all the blame on himself since a person was confronting him with the questions.
         I also do not think that there aren't any benefits in Seahaven where Truman was supposedly the "star". Christoff does say that "the place you live in is the sick place, Seahaven is the way to go". but I think Seahaven is just as the same as the real world. There is almost no difference. People will watch what they see and follow it. Christoff is right that the world is a sick place but he says this to create confusion and a defense for Seahaven.  But if Seahaven was the way to go like he said then Truman would not have wanted to move to Fiji. As also Christoff tries to manipulate and make him think using a tool that Truman is the "star" of the show but he really isn't and Truman realizes this. The only benefit here would be for Christoff since it would be good for his "ratings". Who wouldn't want to be a star but deep down why would you want to be under control from someone else for their own benefit!
       As for Truman starting to analyze all that he encounters I think of my parallel in my own life that has changed the way I process the world. Of course not that I think I'm being recorded but of what we are told on TV. The way we should behave. Or the way we are told who our enemy is but when we go there to confront the "enemy" we find nothing! And many other things we don't know. I guess when you are a kid especially it is easy to become brainwashed but when I started to wake up like Truman I was wandering to myself why live anymore or is there another planet, land or country(Fiji) with no networks, greedy corporations that want to handle us for their own agenda or ratings.