Monday, September 27, 2010

The Allegory of the Cave

            In "Allegory of the Cave" Plato explains to his young follower about how people are illusioned and feel comfortable just like that but once they see the light they will regret their ways than knowing the light of truth. This is the world of reality for the prisoners.

        In Plato's imaginary cave he describes prisoners being chained inside a cave where they only see a fire on the wall without turning their heads.  The only thing they hear are echos and all they see is shadows from people passing by. The shadows or images are created by the form holders who stand between the prisoners and fireThey may hold up and image of a duck making a barking sound but in reality it wouldn't be that way. Everything is just an illusion of what they think they are seeing. They are blinded In reality even if they were released and saw the sun they would fear the truth. They would even think the shadows are what they think but in reality it's just another illusion. But still if he was freed he would acclimate. He would see more things around him until he saw the sun and he would understand that the sun is the source of the seasons and years. But if the prisinor went back to reveal this to the other prisoners they would disbelieve him because all they know is the darkness and shadows they live in.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

               If you ever leave your residence depending on where you live ads can be everywhere even on the smallest things. The author tells us that "no longer are ads confined to the usual places". Commonly you can see them at gas stations, banks, malls, public transportation,etc. Especially the one idea that I think is significant is a company called VideoCarte which installs interactive screens on supermarkets carts so that you can see ads while you shop because who would have thought of such technology. It changes how ads or commercials are looked upon. In the future we might be accustomed to view them as part of everyday life. We do today but it might get worse years from now.

              The author  pints out that "increase in commercial advertising has happened steadily and relentlessly that we haven't quite wakened up to the absurdity of it all." I pointed out how we might view ads in the future and how it might get worse. because if you realize and my personal experience my evidence would be that if you go to a Mcdonalds and make a survey on all the people eating in there I know most would say that they saw Mcdonalds on TV or they picked the latest coupon special. It's almost like a bad bandwagon.

             The gas station on where I go to is large and now as I stand filling the car with gas I don't just see paper ads but also interactive screens full of commercials. The meteorologist airship now also has a screem. Even a company called Fresh Direct has a big screen on top. This seems to be the beginning of more things to come so who knows what the future will hold in store for commercials and ads.