Sunday, November 7, 2010

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan Blog 12

               I agree with what the author, Michael Pollan, on what he is trying to tell us in his book "In Defense of Food" because most of us people seem to want easy solutions to everything and are deluded in this country about the food we eat. No wonder the news does tell us that "America is the fattest country in the world". For example I would take in consideration his advice on "pay more, eat less" because I think if people can find the time to buy more nice clothes, watch Jersey Shore,etc than we can also take time to bettering ourselves first. Since we are deluded we will listen to what the TV tells us about taking pills. Or since we think it's too expensive to buy fresh food than we give up easily. The problem is we can't take reality but for me since I read this I have to consider how things are and believe on the testimonials given by real people about pills.
             Although my great-grandmother is already dead and there is hardly anyone to find that knows or understands this issue in this new generation I think I would also definitely take the "don't eat any food your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize' advice seriously because now I understand why so many die from illnesses and most commonly why so many are diagnosed with cholesterol which I did have. Its unbelievable to think what these companies have done. For example Go-gurt actually wasn't good! But I guess I was deluded by the way it was marketed for kids and since they thought us, which I don't remember where, that yogurt is healthy than I just went ahead and ate any yogurt without reading the back of it. Same thing with cereals. I would buy any cereal because they thought us its healthy but you can't just buy any cereal either. I think the way we live these days on this issue is like an animal chain. In other words if we show the bird the food chain and if he doesn't listen then the owl will eat him. Unfortunately, same thing in the real world! If we don't listen or follow the steps then those at the top of the chain benefit from you with no mercy and maybe you will die also. All we have to do is read and follow the steps. No complaining. Truth is out there. Plain and simple. Overall, for me these are the items that make sense to me in Pollen's advice and the one's I would implement right away!

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