Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Revised Blog 4

Summary of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”

In Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave,” Socrates tries to explain how our world can be enlightened or unenlightened to the real things behind the scenes.  He understands as a philosopher how we see what we wanna see and explains it in an image of a cave of and the hidden disturbing things surrounding us.

For instance the author explains how we as a society tend to not want to see the real light in this image. In the passage Socrates exposes us to this and uses an example of a dark cave where prisoners are chained inside with both of their hands without being able to turn their heads anywhere but just to the front of what they see and think they are seeing. So if we were to COMPEL some of the prisoners to see at the light for themselves they would definitely have a lot of pain in there eyes for seeing the truth. This is also what the prisoners will CONCEIVE to believe is the real thing than what he is shown to be the truth since the prisoners were only used to seeing the darkness.
As they are also chained to the walls all they see are shadows from people passing through. Some of them carrying their baskets so the prisoners look at this and think what they see is true. There was one who was passing by and held a duck making the sound of a barking sound so if they were to go outside the cave see that it wasn’t this and plus the light of the sun they would definitely be DAZZLED to what they have seen and probably go back to their accustomed settings. Ignorance is bliss!

In my real life I would probably be like the chained man of "Allegory of the Cave" because I was a person who was not sure weather or not I was living a normal life. I guess like any other good parent(my dad & mom).My parents did buy me toys, VHS cartoons,etc. But of course still I could not understand weather it was me or my parents.

As I'm now trying to walk out into the light I think the best way for me to do that is educate myself more by reading books from the library to better myself as a human being. Or research anything on the internet as possible. I can't go all the way back because if I do then I guess it would be like the Dark Ages where I was the first child to my parents.So being the first child alone wasn't easy. My parents out of necessity had to leave me to go to their job while I just stayed along playing my Super Nintendo. My parents were too young and had to mature themselves to understand why they emigrated to America. In those times being alone I think caused me to think I was living the American illusion but after I woke up getting more older I realized how sad it was to know the truth and the people who controlled us might even be behind it all. I didn't know what to think. All those values that my parents thought me probably were for nothing. I wonder if I actually was a puppet or not. I know everytime I watched TV I wanted to be on it and maybe just for easy money. Then years later a lady seemed to have predicted it the same thing I was thinking and I was shocked almost similar to Truman. I also didn't know who to believe in anymore. It seemed that all we worked for was for nothing. Enemies always seemed to be around that not even the doctors knew what by brothers disease was.
Its just amazing to find out how much evil and unpredictable things there are in this world that we have to watch out for. It can be anything from people and many more.

After I knew all that can surround us I realized I wanted to plan to be my own-self so I don't have to look around in amazement to the shadows that have been created by us. I don't know but someday I plan to have my own business. That's how I see myself and be a good role-model for my family. I realized in this world you take and give for the good meaning I will do something that can benefit someone. If I do help to make people get free I think it would be once I know what I'm doing and market myself well because people seem to never listen by words until they experience reality for themselves like I did. 

But for now I know I'm unchaining myself little by little although its hard to go deep to that light because you never know what's out there because recovering takes a long time but being strong here is the key because I will keep on researching for answers, finding a job where I can find my passion and skills, starting college now, being positive, meditating and yoga,etc and than pass on this message to my family and to the world just like the prophets from before have, for example Socrates. Only time will tell if I go all the way out which is my dream.


  1. Dr. X for my Revised Blog 4 I don't understand what happened to it. I already finished everything but now as I posted it all my words come out dark and I realized that u can still see it by highlighting over it. I already tried seeing if I can put it to light words but can't find anything. I will continue with the rest of the blogs and finish it tonite.

  2. No worries, Chris-- I read it with no problem. And a very good revision it was too, especially the summary.

    For the next set of entries, try to give a bit more specific examples. What were some of your parents' values? What was your brother's sickness?

    I hope that in your journey out of the cave you will find many, many good people and happenings to balance the bad ones.
