Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Brainstorming and Technology"

1. Tool- I think tool would mean a helpful connection that can benefit a company or industry. Or also something that can benefit in architecture or construction.2. Technology I think can mean something made out of electronics and something fast that can get us to where we want or what information we want to obtain.3 Cyborg I think would mean what type of robot operates something different depending on what they can do or different codes they are implanted with.

Tool- any instrument of manual operation like a hammer or anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose. Technology-Branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society and the environment drawing upon subjects as industrial arts,, engineering, applied science and pure science. Cyborg-A person whose physiological functioning is aided or dependent upon a mechanical or electronic device.
 Thesaurus     Tool-machine, puppet, gadget Technology-hi-tech, machinery, engineering science Cyborg- bionic person, mechanical person, automation
If we talk about many things depending on the nature of it we can come out with some but generally speaking the words have to do with one another because to build great technology like a cyborg we first need the tools then comes the cyborg and finally the technology. Technology also deals with science or engineering so this is how the robot is built thanks to science and tools we use by hand or mind.

Step 2 Technologies that define my daily life would be anything common that are useful to modern society and nothing that would harm anyone. Lists of them of them would be metrocard, internet, driver's license, credit card, cellphone, microwave,lamp, camcorder. Obviously the most often I use are internet, metrocard(new yorkers have to) cellphone, lamp and the rest are the least I use especially TV(no cable).One time when the my wheel broke in the middle of the express way i definitely used my cellphone and saved money from the tow trucks.Metrocard might be expensive but we still need to use them everyday for work or school.I love the idea of a lamp everyday because I can consume less energy and save.The internet is for my entertainment and information use. Especially when I need to find news that I missed or learn about other countries faster. Especially to the music I can discover that won't be played on the radio or TV these days and much more! I can say that without all of these things especially the internet it has helped me learn some things and save.

Step 3??I'm not sure if we were supposed to do this since we had new lab already.

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